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Etat Sales Support Specialist / Key Account Manager mit Japanisch - Automotive

Firma: Recruit Europe Ltd. miejsce pracy: Frankfurt

Sales Support Specialist / Key Account Manager mit Japanisch - Automotive

Miejsce pracy: Frankfurt

Duties / Responsibility:
  • Supporting customer queries to ensure customers are satisfied
  • Supporting customers by chasing order status by communicating planning/production internally.
  • Understanding current situation/progress for any sales related activities.
  • Inputting all customer forecasts/orders into the sales matrix.
  • Confirming the status of delivery to customers for any urgent shipments
  • Updating all customer pricing into the system.
  • Supporting to generate all customer price quotes/price lists.
  • Generate/Achieve Management of Objectives for European Sales job role.
  • Minimum Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent)
  • Knowledge of Japanese at Upper intermediate + English (Business Proficiency) + German
  • Willingness to pursue a long-term career in sales
  • Motivation to learn about Automotive business and become an industry expert
  • Proactive attitude and drive to achieve targets
  • Total salary package 40,000 – 80,000 Euro gross per year
  • Extensive sales and technical training
  • Clear career path and “promoting from within” culture
  • Able to become Key Account Manager - Automotive
  • International environment, open communication and continuous learning
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodzę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych przy realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z Ustawą z dn. 29.08.97 o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (DZ.U. nr 133, poz. 883)

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Data dodania: 19-09-2022
Wyświetleń: 22